12 weeks for the rest of my life!

Follow me in my second round of Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation.

Getting past the numbers!

on June 20, 2012

It is Weigh In Wednesday today and I hope you are all celebrating no matter what the scales say.
When you are aiming for a healthier you its very easy to get caught up in what the scales say, it seems to be the biggest measure we use to determine how “good” we have been. As hard as it is we need to let go of this measure being the be all and end all. We need to stop judging our success by what the scales say. This is really hard to do, I know I had weeks where I felt deflated because the scales definitely didn’t show how hard I’d trained, how clean I’d eaten, it was deflating to say the least. This sort of deflation can ruin us, it tears away the motivation and makes you feel like why bother. Why bother? Because you are worth bothering, you deserve this, today the scales may say one thing, tomorrow another, the scales are not a very accurate measure of your awesomeness.

I have said it a few times, what you lose is only a small part of this, try and think about what you have gained!
So you’ve lost 400gms this week? I know you are deflated, but lets try and look at it a different way – Have you made an effort to exercise? Did you feel fantastic because you did so? Have you felt a difference in your clothes this week? How fantastic did that feel? Do you feel like you are gaining more control in your life? Don’t tell me that doesn’t feel amazing.
You religiously stand on the scales and let them decide how you feel about yourself, please stop doing this. Have you pulled out your tape measure, I bet you will see less centimetres  there. No one else might notice how well you are doing yet, but that will come. I can assure you 1 comment of “have you lost weight?” “You are looking great” “Well Done” means way more than a number on a metal machine.

So today if you are feeling a little disheartened I want any comment you make about your weight to be followed by a BUT and not preceded by an “only” – “only 400 gms” is not an only, celebrate it, its something, its more than you would of had if you hadn’t chosen to make good decisions in your life.
Today I lost 200gms BUT I also increased my weights at the gym……, I tried something I have never done before……,  my kids loved that I went for a walk with them ……, I had a chicken burger but I didn’t have chips, coke and a sundae with it.

Acknowledge all the positive you have done. This won’t always be easy, but I promise you it will be worth it. So proud of everyone who is doing this for themselves!

One response to “Getting past the numbers!

  1. Noel says:

    What a great picture of a scale! I should have notes like this written on my mirror, reminding me that the number of gray hair does not determine who I am. Looks should not dictate who I am, not matter how old I look. Thanks.

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